Engagement Story

The night before our engagement I was getting ready to go to bed.  Garri came up and asked me if he would look good if he shaved his mustache.  I answered, “you are always handsome to me.” (It was little off but I did not notice!)
The next day (on our four years of dating) I went to work looking forward to dinner with Garri at our favorite restaurant that night.  When Garri arrived to pick me up for dinner he was a little preoccupied with getting to our restaurant before it gets dark.  We pulled up to the restaurant and he went out in the back of car. I managed to get myself together for our dinner.  Garri said, “let’s take some pictures before we eat” which seemed a little odd (I realized after we got engaged).  I always care about taking pictures instead of him.  I agreed and went to our favorite area by the river.  He was taking pictures of us with his iPhone.  Then it was getting darker, I suggested to use my iPhone to capture some better pictures.  Two joggers went by us and I said, “I am hungry”.  Garri managed to have me to wait little longer.  He said, “you know how much we have been going through since the day we started dating and I really love you so much” so for a split second I thought, “COULD THIS BE HAPPENING?” but 100% of me thought he was just playing  around.
Then, he kept on going and told me how he felt about me and love for each other.  I shared mine with him.  When Garri got down on his knee and asked me to marry him! I thought, “Oh my gosh!” and “Serious?!” “YES, I will marry you!”
Here is a photo…
The ring was on my finger and we then had a couple of minutes of laughing and hugging! Garri then led me to the restaurant and toasted to our future together! And now, WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!

2 thoughts on “Engagement Story

  1. I’m having some joy tears!!! So sweet to hear this story about your engagement! I’m so happy that you both found at each other and match perfectly! Love you so much sweetie!

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